On October 9, 2023, STF INFRASTRUKTURA sp. z o.o. was established and registered on October 18, 2023, with an initial (share) capital of PLN 100,000, which was fully covered in cash by STALPROFIL SA. In accordance with the Founding Act of STF Infrastruktura sp. z o.o. on December 13, 2023, the share capital of this company was increased by a resolution of the shareholders' meeting to PLN 500,000.00, without changing the company's articles of association. The registration court made the entry in the National Court Register on February 7, 2024.

The company in which STALPROFIL S.A. owns 100% of the shares, was established as a company complementing the Group's activities in the field of construction of transmission pipelines and gas networks. The company's core business is "works related to the construction of transmission pipelines and distribution networks" (PKD 42.21Z).