The STALPROFIL Foundation as a patron of the social competences of the future in secondary schools in Dąbrowa Górnicza
The STALPROFIL Foundation as a patron of the social competences of the future in secondary schools in Dąbrowa Górnicza.
By implementing the above Project, the Foundation aims to activate the local community in the direction of increasing the level of sensitivity to the needs of people in need in the immediate vicinity, as well as to engage in helping these people, with particular emphasis on youth initiatives, seeing the above as an educational value.

Change of the name of the Foundation
Change of the name of the Foundation
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to kindly inform you that on August 19, 2022, the Katowice-East District Court in Katowice entered the change of the name of the Jerzy Bernhard Aid Foundation to:
The Jerzy Bernhard STALPROFIL Foundation
The remaining data of the Foundation has not changed.
Kind regards,
President of the Foundation

Christian Charity Association "Azyl", a place of temporary stay for refugees
The Jerzy Bernhard Aid Foundation purchased kitchen equipment (including refrigerators, cutlery, plates, kettles for preparing soups) for the purpose of equipping the place of temporary stay for refugees.

St Thomas the Apostle Hospice in Sosnowiec
The Jerzy Bernhard Aid Foundation for the needs of retrofitting the St Thomas the Apostle Hospice in Sosnowiec purchased a hand mixer to prepare meals at the Hospice.

Acknowledgment from the President of Dąbrowa Górnicza
Ewa Szymura
The Jerzy Bernhard Aid Foundation
"I am writing to you to symbolically thank for the aid for the Ukrainian citizens who found shelter from the war in our city.
In this difficult and uncertain time, every gesture of solidarity is extremely important and deserves great praise.
As the city's president, I am proud that Dąbrowa Górnicza is a community of people who are ready to help others and, in times of trial, are up to the challenge.
Please accept the big thanks and wishes for the best in your private and professional life.
Marcin Bazylak
City president"

Independent Public Provincial Hospital of Trauma Surgery in Piekary Śląskie
For the purpose of retrofitting the hospital the Jerzy Bernhard Aid Foundation purchased an oscillating saw for cutting plaster dressings, a hospital bed with a mattress and a heater for infusion fluids and blood.

Give Your Hand to Ukraine
In gratitude for the support for refugees from Ukraine, at the invitation of the Mayor of Dąbrowa Górnicza, the Foundation was a guest of the charity concert Give Your Hand to Ukraine. The concert was performed by blind youth from Kharkiv, who were visiting Dąbrowa Górnicza, accompanied by Polish friends and musicians from Poland and Ukraine.
More in the publication of Dziennik Zachodni.

Help for refugees from Ukraine
Thanks to the donors, we provide system-in-kind assistance in cooperation with the City Hall, addressed to Ukrainian families accommodated in Dąbrowa Górnicza.
We count on your support.

Krokus Association in Dąbrowa Górnicza
Thanks to the generosity of the donors, the Jerzy Bernhard Aid Foundation supports the children of the Krokus Association, which runs a day-room for people in need from the area of Dąbrowa Górnicza. In this way, we distribute among these people food and basic cleaning products purchased by our Foundation.

WOŚP auction
The Jerzy Bernhard Aid Foundation put Marek Szmidel's painting up for auction, from which the collected funds were transferred to support the 30th final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP).
The painting was donated by our member company STALPROFIL S.A. to the Jerzy Bernhard Aid Foundation, who, by implementing its statutory goals, aims to commemorate, continue and develop social and charity activities carried out by its Patron. The Foundation acts as a link between those in need of help and those who can and want to provide this help. By organizing this auction, the JB Aid Foundation would like to support this year's WOŚP collection goal, which is consistent with the statutory goals of the JB Aid Foundation. We encourage you to take part in the auction. Direct link to the auction below:

Loża Katowicka Business Center Club is the honorary patron of the Foundation
The Jerzy Bernhard Aid Foundation has launched a campaign presenting its activity profile among potential donors, mainly entrepreneurs. The Foundation intends to allocate the obtained funds to the implementation of its strategic goals, in particular to support health care facilities, as well as to support activities aimed at promoting physical culture and sport among the local community, the process of education through sport, the implementation of forms of charity and also to help the stray, sick, suffering and abandoned animals. Support in these activities was offered by the Loża Katowicka Business Center Club under the leadership of Chancellor Eugeniusz Budniok, taking the honorary patronage over the Foundation.

Interview with Ewa Szymura, President of the JB Aid Foundation, and Henryk Orczykowski, Chairman of the JB Aid Foundation Council, President of the Managenent Board of STALPROFIL SA
In July this year the Jerzy Bernhard (JB) Aid Foundation was created. What is the mission of the Foundation, which in an organized manner continues and develops forms of implementation of the idea of corporate social responsibility of STALPROFIL SA?
Henryk Orczykowski: The mission of the Jerzy Bernhard Foundation is to commemorate the charitable activity of its patron through the implementation of social, medical, educational and animal care projects.
Ewa Szymura: We want to act as a link between those in need of help and those who can and want to provide this help. We see a special role in enabling economic entities to implement the idea of corporate social responsibility through financial and material support for the Foundation's projects. We believe that entities operating in the field of economy have an important role to play in the area of the Foundation's strategic goals.
Everyone knew Jerzy Bernhard as a great manager, accomplished entrepreneur, speaker at economic congresses, promoter of economic and industry self-government. What was his involvement in socially sensitive issues? Which areas of social life were most often assisted by STALPROFIL SA, which he managed?
Henryk Orczykowski: Jerzy Bernhard's involvement in pro-social activities ran in two directions. On the one hand, these were projects addressed mainly to institutional entities, such as health care institutions (retrofitting with equipment), or material and financial support for educational institutions. A significant part of this area was supported by the Foundation for Health Protection in Dąbrowa Górnicza, the donor of which was, inter alia, STALPROFIL SA. Mr. President personally solicited financial support from the above foundation also from other economic entities. The second edition of the charity activity of the Foundation's Patron is the sphere of his private activities consisting in providing material and financial support to specific people who need help, often from nearby neighborhoods, as well as helping stray animals.
How will the Foundation raise funds?
Ewa Szymura: Apart from the founding fund, which the Foundation has been equipped with by STALPROFIL SA, the revenues of the Foundation are financial donations from entrepreneurs who are legal and natural persons. We also ask for financial or material support to all other people who identify with our mission and want to help the Foundation achieve its goals, specific tasks and projects. Moreover, the Foundation aspires to the role of a public benefit organization. After obtaining such status, it will be able to apply for additional support in the form of 1% income tax from natural persons, transferred by taxpayers in accordance with the Act on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work. It should be noted that the Jerzy Bernhard Foundation does not conduct economic activity and members of the Foundation's authorities perform their functions free of charge.
What activities are you planning for the near future?
Henryk Orczykowski: The Foundation intends to carry out an action presenting activities among potential donors, mainly enterprises. By collecting funds in this way, we intend to proceed with the implementation of its strategic goals, especially support for health care institutions, supporting activities to promote physical culture and sport among the local community, as well as the process of education through sport, the implementation of forms of charity and also helping the stray, sick, suffering and abandoned animals.
As part of your activities, do you provide for any special events organized by the Foundation, e.g. sports, cultural, charity events, etc.? Will there be an award of the Jerzy Bernhard Aid Foundation?
Ewa Szymura: Currently, the Foundation is in the initial stage of development, therefore the primary goal is to establish cooperation with donors and to start a stream of aid between donors and those in need. In addition, the period of the still ongoing pandemic is not conducive to the organization of events. Finally, we are still in the mourning period for the passing of Jerzy Bernhard. For the above reasons, we are not planning any special events in the form of cultural or charity events in the coming weeks or months. However, we do not rule out such activities in the future, as long as they help to better achieve the Foundation's goals. Of course, we are considering honoring people and institutions that have contributed to the implementation of the Foundation's mission. In this context, we are working on defining the formula for the Jerzy Bernhard award.
Interviewed by: Janusz Pilszak
Translated by: STALPROFIL SA