01.08.2024 12:56

Convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of "STALPROFIL" SA

Acting in accordance with §19 section 3 item 1 of the Articles of Association of "STALPROFIL" SA and pursuant to Article 398 and Article 399 §1 in connection with Article 402(1) of the Commercial Companies Code, the Management Board of "STALPROFIL" SA convenes the Extraordinary General Meeting of "STALPROFIL" SA on August 28, 2024, to be held in Dąbrowa Górnicza at the premises located at ul. Roździeńskiego 11A at 12:00.
The full text of the announcement on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of "STALPROFIL" SA is attached to this report.


Ogłoszenie o zwołaniu Nadzwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia "STALPROFIL" S.A. na dzień 28 sierpnia 2024 roku.pdf

168.30 kB

Projekt nowego tekstu jednolitego Statutu Spółki.pdf

192.93 kB