Information from the opening of offers in the procedure organized by OGP Gaz-System SA for the supply of insulated steel pipes under the concluded framework agreement (FSRU project, procedure No. 1)
The Management Board of Stalprofil SA (Company) informs that on May 14, 2024, it received information about the result of opening by the OGP Gaz-System SA (Ordering Party) of offers submitted in the public procurement procedure for investment tasks entitled: POM1: "Gas pipelines Kolnik-Gdańsk together with the infrastructure necessary for their service in the Pomeranian Voivodeship"; POM2: "Construction of the DN1000 MOP 8.4 MPa Gustorzyn-Wicko gas pipeline, part 2, section Gardeja-Kolnik"; POM3: "Construction of the DN1000 MOP 8.4 MPa Gustorzyn-Wicko gas pipeline, part 1, section Gustorzyn-Gardeja". Proceedings No. 1 (Executive Proceedings No. 6). Procedure number: ZP/2024/04/0031/PZ. This procedure was carried out under the Framework Agreement, which the Company informed about in current report No. 34/2022 of September 30, 2022.
According to the information made available on the OGP Gaz-System SA Purchasing Platform, offers submitted by the subsidiary Izostal SA (Contractor) for parts: 1, 3 and 5 of the above-mentioned investment tasks, with a total net value of PLN 98.0 million, which is PLN 120.6 million gross, turned out to be the most advantageous.
The specification of essential terms of the order provides for the delivery of insulated steel pipes with diameters from DN1000 to DN1400 with a total length of approximately 36 km from January 1, 2025 to August 31, 2025.
The Company will inform about receiving official information about the selection of Izostal SA's offers as the most advantageous ones in a separate current report.