25.05.2023 15:42

Appointment of Members of the Supervisory Board of STALPROFIL SA

On May 25, 2023, the Ordinary General Meeting of "STALPROFIL" SA appointed:
1. Mr. Mariusz Janus,
2. Mr. Mirosław Nowak,
for members of the Supervisory Board of "STALPROFIL" SA, for the duration of the joint term of office of the current Supervisory Board, lasting in the financial years 2020-2024.
Persons appointed as members of the Supervisory Board do not run any activity competitive to "STALPROFIL" SA and they do not participate in a competitive company as partners in a civil law partnership, partnership or as members of a competitive capital company or members of any competitive legal entity. The above-mentioned persons are not listed in the Register of Insolvent Debtors kept pursuant to the Act on the National Court Register.
The professional CVs of the newly appointed members of the Supervisory Board are attached to this report.


Życiorysy zawodowe Członków Rady Nadzorczej STALPROFIL S.A: Pana Mariusza Janusa i Pana Mirosława Nowaka.pdf

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