
Conclusion of annexes to the credit agreements with mBank S.A.

On 12.30.2015 The Board of Stalprofil S.A. received information about signing by mBank S.A. with its registered seat in Warsaw of annexes to credit agreements that extend for another year the period of availability of credit limits granted to the Company by mBank S.A.
The annexes remain at the same level the total value of issuer's credit limit in mBank S.A., which amounts to PLN 35.0 million and consists of:
- long-term revolving working capital loan in the amount of PLN 10.0 million, available to 30.01.2018,
- multi-currency loan in the current account in the amount of PLN 5 million, available to 30.01.2017,
- long-term revolving working capital loan in the amount of PLN 10.0 million, available to 30.01.2018,
- long-term revolving working capital loan in the amount of PLN 10.0 million, available to 14.02.2018.
The Company recognizes agreements as significant as their total value exceeds 10% of the equity of the issuer. The financial terms on which the Company will use the granted limits do not differ from those commonly used for such contracts and are based on WIBOR + margin.
In addition, based on the signed annexes have changed the basic legal safeguards total credit limit in mBank S.A., including: increased from PLN 33 million to PLN 35 million was the value of the registered pledge on commercial goods owned Stalprofil and at the same time solution has been made to the mBank assignment of Stalprofil receivables due from current commercial contracts with a value of PLN 2 million.