The position of the Management Board regarding incorrect information on the Company's results published in the Internet media
The Management Board of STALPROFIL SA informs that in the Internet media (;; false information was published about the Company's financial results for the first half of 2020, along with comparable data for the previous year. Probably the name of the Company was confused in these publications with the name of another company from the steel industry.
In connection with the above, the Management Board decided to immediately publish the estimated financial data for the first half of 2020 and to accelerate the publication of the report for the first half of 2020, the publication of which was planned for September 7, 2020.
The estimated data of the STALPROFIL SA Capital Group for the first half of 2020 are as follows:
- Net revenues from the sale of products, services, goods and materials: PLN 749 349 thousand (PLN 662,448 thousand for the first half of 2019)
- Operating profit: PLN 21,490 thousand (PLN 16 320 thousand in the first half of 2019)
- Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the parent company: PLN 12 557 thousand (PLN 9 476 thousand in the first half of 2019)